23 November 2022

Easy Ways to Make Money Online

If you've been looking for easy ways to make money online, I'm sorry to disappoint you. Don't get me wrong. Easy ways to make money online do exist. However, they are not going to be found on any list you come across on the Internet. Why? Because most of those "easy" ways don't really work.

Do they work in reality? Not really. Will you earn extra money doing it though? Sure, but you will also make more from your nine to five job. The hard truth is that there are only real easy ways to make money from home.

What are these easy ways to make money from home? Well, for starters, you could write blogs for other people. You could also use social media as a way to make money from home. In either case, you will have to set up your own blog or website.

You could also sign up with an affiliate program and sell other people's products. If you're selling someone else's product, all you have to do is display the link on your site. From there, visitors to your site will click on the link and then make a purchase. That's pretty simple, but if you can find a way to make extra earnings, your earnings could be very substantial.

However, what if you can't find any extra tools to help others? That's fine. You can still make extra money by selling your skills. There are plenty of individuals who are interested in selling their skills to others. You can teach them how to do something, and then once they've learned the technique, you charge them a fee. Some folks won't mind paying a fee to learn something new, and if you can make your tutorial downloadable and easy to follow, you can have a booming internet business selling other peoples' skills.

Finally, you can earn money from home by developing your own website. This is probably the easiest way to earn a side income from home. It won't make you rich, but it will help you supplement your income. And it's a great way to help your loved ones. If you're looking for a fun way to make extra cash at home, you can't go wrong by exploring all the possibilities.

The truth is that there are several different ways to make money from home. It's important to explore all your options, as it varies greatly from person to person. That's why it's so crucial to have extra tools to use. However, if you can't find any extra tools, you'll have to develop some on your own. It varies wildly. And it will largely depend on what kind of skills you possess.

Extra tools for extra earnings are basically everywhere. You just need to be resourceful. But you should also realize that you won't be paid an hourly rate by any means. The earning potential can be quite great, but it depends on your ability to market yourself. So as long as you have a product or service that people want, you could earn a side income with ease.

Here is your chance to make a change in your life. Make Money Online [https://www.affiliateslifestyle.com/fun/?page=optin&id=Importimage&wid=hb-1]

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Juan_C_Ruiz/406086

Image Source: https://pixabay.com/photos/man-money-tablet-bet-success-win-5574872/

3 Ways to Get Started Making a Living Online For Stay at Home Moms

Stay at home moms who want to make money online should not hesitate to take action and take on whatever it takes to get started. There are so many opportunities to get started. And the sooner you start, the sooner you can begin making a good income and supplementing your family's income.

If stay at home moms had their pick, they'd rather make passive income from the comfort of their own home. So what are a few ways to generate some extra cash from the comfort of your home? Many people would say blogging, part-time. But blogging is not your only option. Here are a few:

Affiliate Marketing: Affiliate marketing has exploded as the easiest way for stay at home moms to make money online. It involves promoting other people's products and services in exchange for a commission. In order to get started with affiliate marketing you need a niche product or service. And there are so many options out there.

Side Hustle: Probably the most famous side hustle among stay at home moms is working a second job. The great thing about side hustle is that there are many different jobs that you can do to make extra money while at home. You could sell products or services from your website or blog. You could even join an affiliate program. A quick internet search will yield thousands of opportunities.

Social Media Marketing: As mentioned before, social media is one of the most widely used tools today to attract new customers. But did you know that social media can also make money for you? By using social media networks such as Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ you can drive traffic to your website. The trick is getting your visitors to join groups to which you can then invite them to join.

Photo Editing: Do you love taking pictures? If you do then you can make money by becoming a full-time photographer. This means that you will have to spend more time taking photos but that in return you will earn more money. To become a professional photographer you will need to attend a photography school and train on film techniques and technicalities. After graduation, you will need to take at least six images a day to build up a full-time income.

Online Shopify Store: Today many people are selling items over the internet and most of these people are using online stores as their marketplace. What better way to sell items online than with your own online shop? To start an online shopify store you will need a domain name, hosting, shopping cart software, and product catalogues. Once you have all these things, you can open an account with Amazon and get started building your products.

Affiliate Marketing: Affiliate marketing is a great way to get started making money online. You can promote products of any affiliate marketer and make commissions when people purchase through your link. To get started you will need to sign up for an Amazon associate account and enroll in any of their training courses that they provide. Once you have completed all these steps, you can start promoting and selling anything that has affiliate links on it.

Amazon Marketing: Another way to get started making a full-time income from home is by promoting products of other companies on Amazon. To do this you will need to sign up for an Amazon for account and follow all the instructions given. Then you simply upload all the products that you are able to sell and promote them using Amazon's excellent tools. Some of these tools include pay per click advertising, cost per impression advertising, and email marketing.

Etsy: eBay has now come online and many people have realized the potential of easy to make passive income at home. Etsy is a website where people can create handmade crafts. Etsy is a great place to start your stay at home mom full time job. All you will need to do is set up an account with Etsy and upload all the projects that you want to sell. The great thing about Etsy is that you have the power to set up restrictions so that customers are not able to access certain projects.

Social Media: One of the most powerful tools to use when it comes to making a passive income from home is social media. Many businesses and companies use social media to advertise their products. Many moms choose to promote things like etsy, craigslist, and it's because of all the opportunities they can take advantage of. They will be able to make passive income from their homes by promoting things like Facebook and Twitter.

Here is your chance to make a change in your life. Make Money Online [https://www.affiliateslifestyle.com/fun/?page=optin&id=Importimage&wid=hb-1]

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Juan_C_Ruiz/406086

Image Source: https://pixabay.com/photos/entrepreneur-startup-woman-macbook-593357/

22 November 2022

How to Use the Keys to Your Online Marketing Kingdom

How many Keys are needed to Unlock your Online Marketing Kingdom?

Surprisingly there are 3 keys that will unlock access to your online marketing kingdom. But once inside you must focus on 5 key elements. Sounds like a fairy tale quest, right? Which it is not I may add, but quite the contrary because there is no Magic involved here. Using the keys to unlock your online marketing kingdom requires skill.

While instead of a quest this is a journey to which there is no final destination or highest point of the ladder. Making money online is not a contest, and the faster you try to go the less success you will achieve. What you put in is what you get out, the most frustrating part of which must be time. The waiting and testing.

This may come as a surprise but even with the keys to unlocking your online marketing kingdom in hand. You will have to focus on one paramount factor to activate your keys and unlock your online marketing kingdom. Which is also the reason why these are the two most important keys, because knowledge is your activation code. The two Primary keys are:

  • Google
  • YouTube
  • Quora
The secret to speeding up the process in activating the keys to your online marketing kingdom, is to use them as much as you possibly can. The knowledge you will gather from that, will eventually activate the keys so you can unlock your online marketing kingdom.

The Logic Behind Research, Wording, and Search Phrases.

In order to generate a substantial online income, all you really need is Google and YouTube. But you will also need to test as many training programs as you possibly can. The goal here is to gather knowledge, not to generate sales. Be prepared to spend a few months on gathering knowledge and do not be misdirected by the distant glitter. Focus on what is right in front of you.

Word of the wise though, before you purchase to test anything. Be absolutely sure they offer a money back guarantee (AKA Safety Net). Anyone selling any product that does not offer a refund, in my opinion, have little faith in what they are trying to sell you. In which case, neither should you.

Using Google, YouTube and Quora for research purposes will unlock an Ocean of information, and while this route is sometimes frustratingly time consuming. There are little alternative means that remotely compete with the 2 most visited websites on Earth!

With Google, YouTube and Quora, you must remember that these are search engines. They only understand words, phrases, and code. Using these 3 keys are as simple as being painfully precise on what you are looking for. Instead of "work from home" perhaps try "work from home online jobs that pay well". Be specific and your search result will have spot on information. From there, it is entirely up to you to follow through.

How many Secondary Key Elements to Your Online Marketing Kingdom?

There are 5 secondary key elements to focus on when using them the unlock the potential of your 3 primary keys. Using these 5 secondary elements is where the time factor starts playing its role. Time is the most frustration part of making money online. Because nothing is going to happen fast, but it will happen surely and the secret to that is:

"Make the Freedom you Crave, Greater than the Need you Feel!"

What that means is, in order to use the keys and unlocking your online marketing kingdom. You must focus on long term goals and stop running after all the "quick fixes". There is no quick way out of a financial hardship (unless you win the lottery). But online marketing is a sure way out, given the right amount of time, patience, and persistence.

  • Knowledge
  • Demand
  • Product
  • Presentation
  • Timing
These 5 secondary keys must be activated and used in the order as set out above. Master each one individually and unlock the 3 primary keys to your online marketing kingdom. This is a part of the tiny objective steps in the right direction towards imminent success. If you skip any of these steps, well, then I doubt you will learn how to use the keys to unlock your online marketing kingdom.

But we will take a closer look at how to use these 5 secondary activation keys under the next sub-heading. So, keep reading to claim the keys and learn how to unlock your online marketing kingdom. This method of online marketing is by far the most time-consuming, but also by far the most profitable by spending little to no money at all.

How to use the 5 Secondary Keys to Your Online Marketing Kingdom.

None of these 5 secondary keys involve posting anything or promoting any links at all. These are the core pillars of preparation, nothing more. While for every step or secondary key you want to create folders and sub-folders on your PC to save your preparation work.

Knowledge - Decide on your profitable niche (what you love doing most) and forget about the top, or best niches if it is not something you love doing. Gather as much knowledge as you possibly can on your niche and/or topic. For this you will use your 3 primary keys namely Google, YouTube, and Quora.

Demand - Also known as a common identified need within your profitable niche. Establish what people are looking for the most within a particular niche. Allow me to demonstrate. In the "making money online" niche for instance, the one common need is buyer traffic. If you find solutions that work to that, then you and your products will soon be in demand.

Product - Based on your research you have 2 options. Finding an affiliate product which is a proven solution to said common need. Then purchasing and testing the product to ensure they live up to their claims. Or you can create your own digital product with a proven solution to the common need.

Presentation - Presenting your offer usually requires things like Image and/or Video design. But your presentation should include 2 basic thoughts. Addressing a common need and offering a proven solution. But you presentation must also create curiosity because a curios visitor is an active visitor and most likely a buyer.

Timing - It may be safe to consider Geo targeting and combining that with your timing. Always calculate the time difference between your own time-zone, and the time-zone you wish to target. Timing and Geo targeting is crucial to not only top engagement, but it also plays a role in establishing affordability.

Your Own Digital products to Activate the Key to Your Online Success.

Hang on, don't run for the hills just yet. Getting your own digital product online is the next step to building your online marketing kingdom a lot faster. Simply because instead of marketing other people's products (affiliate marketing), other people will now be promoting your offer. AKA - Being a vendor on affiliate marketing networks.

The beauty of this is that you can start with something simple and basic like an eBook. Creating your own digital products simply means turning knowledge into profit. A way to convert your knowledge (a solution to the common need) into a digital product, enabling you to own the "unique thing". Something nowhere else available on the internet.

With the eBook creating software presented in the video, believe it or not. You will not need to write a single word to create top selling eBooks. And you can use a publisher called BookRix to publish your work 100% free in all Major Online Bookstores. Including Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Google Play, and iTunes.

If you found my article helpful, kindly leave a comment. Or ask me anything online marketing related. And I will be delighted to answer you as best I can.

Watch Me Generate 148 FREE SUBSCRIBERS AND $330 In My Debut 1 Day Case Study Featuring THE "MAGIC" DIDDLY PAY BUTTON! https://easyinternetmoneyandjobs.com/online-payday-pro

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Deon_Christie/2244072

Image Source: https://pixabay.com/photos/handle-door-rusty-vintage-former-4990695/

9-5 Is Dead, Divorce Your BOSS

They say the 9 -5 is dead, people all over the globe are divorcing their bosses. They are trading in their hard hats, their suits and ties or blouse and skirts for pajamas and an office in the back room of their home. So what is the cause of this modern-day 9-5 job, well to start with the economy has gone to crap with each passing President we are promised more jobs and higher pay but that just doesn't seem to be the case and if the minimum wage goes up the cost of living goes up even higher, it always seems as though inflation and taxes seem to go up at the very same time especially in the poorer areas. Just think about it minimum wage goes up but now your rent just went up as well, so the extra money you thought you were going to have you no longer can count on because it all has to go to the new rent increase. Wrap this around your brain for a moment if you will, " the cost for a can of tuna fish has just gone up by $0.30 however the can has gotten smaller meaning now you get less tuna out of the can, there for you now have to buy double the amount of tuna fish you would have normally bought just to make up the difference and still get the same amount of tuna you are used to getting" You see how it all plays out no matter what you do you never seem to get ahead especially not with a 9 to 5 gig. Employees never get rich only the employer that's how it's all set up you are the laborer or the worker bee the employee is there to set up the foundation or system for you to work and then a supervisor is hired to watch over you and make sure you do the work correctly. Why even if you were to get a good raise in your job the more money you make the higher the taxes they deduct from your check so again you never really seem to get ahead or to get over getting over almost seems impossible. The millennials seem to have the right idea they're saying "to heck with school" who needs a diploma or degree when all I have to do is learn SEO and get an Ad Words account. Have you seen YouTube lately why some of these youngsters have hundreds of thousands of subscribers and are ranking number one in affiliate marketing most of them haven't even seen their 21st birthday yet? After the World Trade Center bombing half of New York was left out of work and terrified to go anywhere into the city to look for work for fear of another attack. When unemployment shutdown and stop delivering checks people all over the globe found themselves having to reinvent the wheel and come up with new means of making income. As a native New Yorker, I too found myself asking that same question" what am I going to do now? there are no jobs, I have bills to pay! Street vendors are very common and popular on the streets of New York City so I got into that bracket, it was good for Several years, I was able to keep the bills paid and occasionally treat myself to nice things but then came time for me to sign a new lease and my rent went up, now being a street vendor wasn't looking so appealing. I refuse to go and get a regular 9 to 5 because at the time the minimum wage in New York was only about $8.25 an hour, and that wasn't going to cut it my rent alone was $975 a month that didn't include utilities I had a cable bill, cell phone bill, and personal needs so I needed something that would allow me to pay for all of this and still be able to maintain my own personal lifestyle. One day while riding on the train I found a business card lying on the seat it read " Be Your Own Boss" and had a web address underneath that was it "nothing else", on the card, but I got home that night I looked up that address on my tablet. That's when it all changed for me, my whole world changed I had never even heard of "Internet Marketing or Affiliate Marketing" or anything like that for that matter. It seems so simple a simple copy-and-paste system and I could make countless amounts of money, over and over again, and the cool thing about it was that I could do this work whenever I wanted to. So I signed up the company's name was zip nada zilch they're no longer around but I did get a pretty good run with this company and it taught me a whole lot about the internet and affiliate marketing and I've been doing that ever since. I even put a few of my friends and family members on to it and they couldn't be happier with their lives. Although that company is no longer around I am still an affiliate marketer and I work with a multitude of online systems one of the easiest systems I work with is DLI, it's a simple processing system but it really pays and I've been using it now for around 4 years the system even has some pretty cool perks that allow me to get discounts on movie tickets shows dinners and all types of events including traveling which I really love and so does my family. So now I see just why so many people are trading in their suits & ties or blouse & skirts for pajamas and bedroom slippers for an office in the Attic or the back room of their home (even the kitchen table). Although breaking into the internet marketing business is no walk in the park it does take hard work perseverance and dedication there are thousands of people who have spent thousands of dollars trying to make it in this business only to fail and lose all their money, this is why I like to tell my people "don't look for a Genie in a Bottle" because there is no Genie in a Bottle you must put in the work that includes SEO, email marketing and gaining traffic, those are just a few strategies. That's why I love this system and have been with this system all these years because it does not require one to know all of that at least not in order to make money. Because Google is forever changing things around, I am constantly having to brush up on my skills. So is the 9 to 5 dead well of course not companies will always need laborers. But if you could take the same dedication it takes to get up every morning, go to work punch a clock (only to make someone else rich) and learn strategies like search engine optimization and make triple (or more) the minimum wage in an hour wouldn't you trade in that 9 to 5 and divorce your boss!

TRAVEL PROCESSING is Taking Over. How would you like to earn a GUARANTEED income helping people access FREE 3-Night Getaways and HUGE discounts on Travel, Shopping, and Entertainment deals? As a Processor, you'll KEEP 100% of the profits on each every referral. Complete our Step-by-Step Training on how to easily set up your automated system and learn PROVEN strategies that have helped thousands earn INSTANTLY with or without experience. NEW TRAVEL PROCESSING SYSTEM TAKE ACTION NOW!!! [http://www.easyprocessing.online]

Image Source: https://pixabay.com/photos/sunrise-boat-rowing-boat-nobody-1014712/

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Mene_Neal/2579516

21 November 2022

Perfect Method to Make Money Online Daily

Making money online isn't a very difficult operation but it need some qualities:-

• Patience:- no doubt that this micro jobs give you money put if you be patient while doing it.

• Attendance:- many people are not very interested about what they do so as a result they will lose a lot (time, effort... ).

• Discipline:- the job which you are going to do has been written to be done with high efficiency and accuracy to establish a good name in this field.

To start with the best micro job site I treat with is

( Select a task from the list below and click on it. You will see instructions what to do on the next page. After you complete a task you will be rewarded.)

You will find the following jobs:-

1- Writing articles:- the best way to gain very good earning:-
write articles in English with no experience just write what you think, the articles contain less than 400 words.

2- Registration:- register in sites then get paid.
Many of this sites are very useful like Dollarsincome if you are interested.

3- Search and click:- search a key words and click on the site which job owner need, or search site and click on the ads.

4- Social media:- Google+, LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter... have a role in this site when you share in G+ or Facebook or LinkedIn, follow in Twitter and retweet you will get paid.

5- Post in forums:- the job owner will give you a post just join any forum you know and share it then you will get paid.
Don't miss this forum:- Online Earnings Forum

6- Review posts:- review a written post or review a website honestly and have a sweet reward.

7- Investing:- this job need a professional because you will work in BTC mining and other commercial operations.
Don't miss this site:- Money online Investment

8- Playing games or downloading apps :- it's very nice job ever but some times It is unavailable.

9- Surf sites:- more than 30 sites a day are available, just click and wait 20 seconds and get money.

10- Referrals:- Invite referrals and get revenue from them, invite them by social sites or insert your ref link and banners into blogs and forums.

These jobs and tips let you earn money increasingly just hours of hard working and you will get paid very well.

What you need is PC or smartphone to access these tasks and PayPal or perfect money account.

Inquiry please leave your questions and I will be in contact.

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Abdo_Sonbol/2581922

Image Source: https://pixabay.com/illustrations/make-money-dollar-cash-success-1966550/

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10000502

Free Downloads

How to Make Money with Sharecash

Sharecash.org is a pay per download website where you get paid every time your files are downloaded. It is like a compensation marketing method where you get rewarded for giving out your stuff for free.

There are many such PPD sites, but Sharecash is one of the best of them all. It is easy to implement and they pay on time as at when due. Sharecash also has good payment methods and I guess that is why people love them. They pay by Payoneer, PayPal, Payza. check and Payquicker.

Yesterday I decided to scale it up because I see potential in this so I am working on the site now. I mean $1.6 is not a lot, but from a new site and just 2 clicks. That is something.

Now let me show you how this works. You will upload your files like eBook, music, video, templates, software etc. to Sharecash for your visitors to download. To download the files, your visitors are required to complete a simple survey to unlock the download.

After they have completed the survey, the link to the download is available to them and you get paid for each download. The amount you get paid depends on the survey completed so that means you get paid more than $1 for some download.

The average rate is $1 per download according to them. You get higher rate from Traffic from USA and UK. You get less for most other countries. This is why I love Sharecash. The rate is so high it beats anything AdSense has to offer.

Imagine if you have a website with 10,000 unique daily visitors and conversion rate of lets say 1%. that is like $100 per day on average. Not bad isn't it?

You don't have to build a fancy website for this. You could just build a website with blogger and add the sharecash download links to your site, drive traffic to it and you get paid for each download.

Free Stuff

There are many sites out there which offer PLR and MRR products like software, eBooks, templates, videos etc. Or better still buy a good PLR package, split it up and upload it to your Sharecash account.

You can also modify a blogger or WordPress template and make it yours. Upload it and give it out for free. There are loads of stuffs you can give out and get compensation for it. Just use your imagination here.

How to Upload Your Files

Uploading your files is easy. Just use the "Upload file" link in your dashboard and your files will be uploaded. But at times it just does not work fine, showing you a messages like "Error: Invalid SID, please logout then log back in". I had problems dealing with that yesterday but just found a way to upload my files this morning.

Driving Traffic

Get traffic to your site using forums, Facebook page, Facebook groups for free stuffs, Twitter, YouTube etc. am in the process of driving traffic to my own sites.

"Hi! I decided to upload this cool collection of wallpapers for you guys because I don't contribute much. Anyways I have about 500 HD wallpapers so you can download here





Image Source: https://pixabay.com/vectors/download-free-download-icon-cloud-1956727/

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Julian_Tucceri/2575504

17 November 2022

How To Find Great Success Through Network Marketing

You want your business to be a success! You need to expand your business. Try network marketing! In many ways, you have to "learn as you go." However, you are not alone, use the tips in this article to jump start you on the road to success.

Whether you are just getting into network marketing or are a seasoned marketer, it is important to realize what products and services will be the most viable sources for your time. Avoid items that have a trend or fad stigma attached to them because at some point, they will exit the market as fast as they came into it.

Be careful with just how much information you give to your new prospects. Your goal is to build excitement and energy in the product. You want to give them information that gets them from prospect to a member of your downline. Don't try to sugar coat anything, but you don't need to spend time on a million details.

It is important to keep track of the money you make in your network marketing strategy. There has to be a point where you choose whether or not to continue if you're not making enough profit to survive on. When that point is can be set before you sign up so you won't have any doubt in your mind if that time comes.

As long as you believe in the product you're pushing as a network marketer, you should never give up in attempting to sell it to other people. Eventually, a belief that strong will resonate with people and become contagious. You can go from no network to a huge network in a short time as long as people believe that you believe in your product.

Allow your downline to shine by providing an area for your teammates to write about their successes. More than just a testimonial, having a downline blog will show both that you are an excellent team leader and that your downline has been successful thanks to your mentoring. This is a huge plus to anyone looking to sign up!

Learn the Product in your network marketing business. You must learn everything there is to know about the product, know it inside and out. As you learn about your product, become excited about it. Because if you cannot get excited about it, how are you going to persuade anyone else to be enthusiastic about it?

In order for your network marketing business to prosper, you must have an essential training site or practices set into motion. While inviting people to your business isn't supposed to be your revenue in a legitimate network marketing business, it is an essential part of a growing and thriving business.

Invest in a good haircut to make yourself look more presentable. Furthermore, make sure your clothes give off a look of respectability. The truth is that brand names, and logos make you look like you have the money to back up your claims, so invest in a few really good pieces for your wardrobe to help promote your image.

Now are you ready to get started? Remember, you can also "learn from others." After considering the above information, you are better equipped to expand your business through network marketing! Ready, set, go!

Kurt Tasche is an internet entrepreneur who writes articles on internet marketing tips, ways to make money online and personal development. You can read more articles like this on his blog at: https://www.kurttasche.com

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Kurt_A_Tasche/254929

Image Source: https://pixabay.com/photos/social-media-icon-people-2537391/

How To Make Easy Money From Home On Your Own Time

AWOL Academy is a teach academy that will teach you step by step how to design, develop your own website from your own home.

How to start up an affiliate network, perform affiliate marketing to make from the comfort of your own home.

Why am I telling you about this? Because I believe everyone should know about this. Let them make up their own mind about it. It allows me to help others out of difficult situations like the one I was in before.

I was living paycheck to paycheck having a hard time making ends meet. I felt like all I was doing was living for creditors and I would be better off dead. Thank goodness for this program. Its changed my life for the better. Thanks Keala

You will learn from Professional, successful affiliate marketers whom make millions every year. They share their knowledge and expertise to help you succeed. He has helped me and countless others make as much as 10K a month or more. Who out there can not use extra money in their pockets? Who can pass this up?

Let Keala and friends show you how a This Former Coffee Shop Employee Quit His Job And Started Traveling The World... Living Like A BOSS!

They will teach you all the secrets that will help you earn money like never before. You will be able to quit your present job and living the life you always dreamed about for a hour or so of your day.

Here is what Keala wrote:

I still remember what it was like working for minimum wage in a coffee shop...

... and if you'd have told me back then that one day I'd be living a life of Fortune, Fun, and Adventure, I probably would've laughed you out of the room.

Back then, I couldn't even imagine the life I've been able to create today... all by learning a few simple, "cutting-edge" skills that tap into a little-known "honey hole" of opportunity. I call it the "Digital Economy".

Needless to say, most people have never even heard of it, much less capitalize on it. Which makes perfect sense when you think about it...

... no school/college is teaching this.
... there's no formal degrees or certifications.
... and, while almost everyone is impacted by it, few even realize it exists.

And that's why I've put together a 100% Free, downloadable PDF called "Freelance Marketing Secrets" that you can access right now by clicking here:

It's short, simple, and reveals EXACTLY how you too can tap into this "Secret Economy" quickly, and easily by leveraging a few simple-to-use tools that do most of the work for you.

In fact, as a BONUS, once you download the Getting Started Guide, you'll also be able to attend a Live Online Workshop where I'll tear back the veil and show you step-by-step how you can ethically steal my exact formula.

News Feed Link Description: Your "Freelance Marketing Secrets" Started Guide includes shortcuts to get you started quickly PLUS the simple tools that do most of the work for you...

What can it hurt to check it out, except for a few minutes of your time.

It could change your life for the better. Missed opportunities will cost you more then just time. Don't kick yourself later by passing up.

It changed my life. I never knew I could make so much money. I'm really surprised everyone isn't doing it. LOL

Click here to check out for yourself. You will receive a link directly to a webinar sign up. In this webinar you can decide for yourself:

Donald Crenshaw


Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Donald_W_Crenshaw/2579915

Image Source: https://pixabay.com/photos/office-home-workspace-820390/

10 November 2022

4 Simple Steps Earning Recurring Income Online From Anywhere

In this article, we will be exploring four simple steps to start earning recurring income online from anywhere with little or no experience at all. Emphasis will also be on what tools can be used, how it is done and why you should be using the same step to make extra money for yourself as well.

4 Simple Steps To Earning Recurring Income Online From Anywhere

  1. Transform your ideas into profit
  2. Build a beautiful, profit ready website that converts
  3. Get traffic to your website
  4. Find high paying affiliate program that relates to your ideal niche market
Simple as that. And you can relax and start seeing a trickle of affiliate commission coming into your PayPal account.

Now for the sake of newbie and more clarifications, let us take these steps one after the other and explain it better.

1, Transform Your Idea Into Profit

Do you know that the human mind is so powerful that you can achieve anything you set your mind into with positive attitude? Our subconscious mind is a warehouse of skills like a workshop ready to open for business. We all have a hobby or something that interests us a lot. Something that gets us excited. Something we like to talk about a lot. Something we like doing a lot or even have helped people by using such hubby or interest.

Right there is your idea. You can harness that hubby of yours and turn it into an idea. It takes one idea to create one million successful business online. And if you don't have an idea? Don't worry. Just keep reading to the end you will be glad you stayed.

2, Build a Beautiful and Profit Ready Website That Converts

Think of your website as your life "storefront" for your business. This second step is very simple and easy and it does not need you to code, design, or program anything. From my experience, I found Wealthy affiliate platform very helpful. Building a website is so simple within the platform that it only takes 30 seconds to build a stunning looking, mobile friendly and revenue ready website that converts.

Therefore the second step concludes with you building a website that reflects your hubby or idea. You will need to choose a domain name that will help get your website up in front of Google. And that is by narrowing your niche idea to a specific hobby or skill or something you are good at just as step one suggested. Then create a stunning website under 30 seconds.

3, Get Traffic To Your Website

Traffic is the lifestream of any business whether it is an online or offline business. With or without experience, you can easily access the possibilities of over 4 billion potential customers if you have the right help and support. People are your business. Without people, you will have nobody to sell advertise any product to. This third step is very important and quite often people get it wrong but with the right guide, you could be accessing millions of traffic every day.

Within Wealthy Affiliate, for example, there are lots of tailor-made traffic technique training that will help get lots of relevant and targeted customers to your website.

4, Find High Paying Affiliate Programs That Relates To Your Niche

This is the last step and a very important step as this is where the money will start rolling in if you have done it right. Did You just ask how? because according to statistics there are over 598,900,000 products you can instantly sell or promote using your niche website. Remember when I asked you to stay with me even if you have not got an idea of your own? Now you can simply choose from any of these products to promote and by creating a website that reflects affiliate marketing.

In fact, you will be happy to know that affiliate marketing is by far the easiest way to make money online from anywhere these days. Especially if you have the right help and support to set things up and running. I started with Wealthy Affiliate and the amount of help and support is unmatchable anywhere else. Over one million active members who making serious online cannot be wrong.

These days, I go for high paying affiliate programs like Shopify, SellHealth, HealthTalks, NinjaOutreach and even real estate software. And so could you. The same effort it takes to promote $5 product on Amazon is the same effort it takes to promote $5000 luxury Yacht hire affiliate program. These guys pay well and on time and with the right article or review post on your website, you could be milking the money cow every day with ease. This is why you should be earning extra income online using the same four simple steps


There you have the four simple steps to start earning recurring income online from anywhere. I hope you enjoyed the read. If you have any question or comment please do share below. And if you found value here, please do help me share it on your social media networks. Many thanks in advance.

The only limitation we have are those we set for ourselves. There is no limit on what we can achieve if we put our mind to it. "What the mind of a man can think and believe, that it can achieve" -Napoleon Hill


Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Richard_U/2567488

Image Source Melanie Deziel on Unsplash

09 November 2022

How To Earn Your First Check With Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is one of the best ways to earn a reasonable income online. This tutorial shows you how easy it is to earn your first check with affiliate marketing.

Step 1: Register With ClickBank

ClickBank is the largest affiliate products market. If you want to get into affiliate marketing, ClickBank should be your first stop.

Most of the products sold on click bank are virtual; such as books, video games, software among others.

For you to start earning, you first need to have a ClickBank account. Registration is free of charge; all you need is a functional email address.

Once you are registered, chose products that you have a passion for. It is important to select products you have a passion for so that they can motivate you to keep on pushing.

However, you can also select any other product of your interest. (You can type in the YouTube search bar "how to register with ClickBank")

Step 2: Get a Custom Domain From godaddy.com

The next step is to set up your website. To be successful in affiliate marketing, you need to present yourself as an authority figure.

The people who view your products should have confidence in you. The first step to earning the trust of your target customers is having a custom domain.

Godaddy offers the cheapest domains and web hosting services.

You can buy a domain at as low as $9 per year. Once you have your domain, set up your website.

( Check out this tutorial on domain registration and web set up https://youtu.be/Vz0Fpn44ht8 )

Step 3: Get Free Stock Images From pexels.com

The secret to selling anything online lies in the images. You need quality images that clearly depict your products.

There are many sources of images but you may have to pay for them. The reliable source for free images is pexels.com.

All you need to do is to signup and start using the available free images.

You can use the images here to design your website, design your adverts, and to create social media posts.

Remember a picture speaks 1000 words. If you can not explain yourself in words, try using a high-quality picture.

Step 4: Sign Up For a Free Account At canva.com/

If you don't know how to design product promotions or website graphics do not worry. Canva.com is the place you get to learn and design anything you want.

Canva is very easy to use even for learners. The good news is that, if do not want to waste time learning how to design, you can get the job done for a fee.

However, you must upload your own images to design with canvsa.com.( Check out this tutorial video on using canva.com for designing https://youtu.be/WL-WbHwsbs8 )

Step 5: Advertise using classified ads at adlandpro.com/

Now for you to start selling your product and make cash, advertise your classified ads at adlandpro.com. This is the best place to post classified ads for beginners.

The good news is that you can post classified ads absolutely free of charge. You have the option of customizing your target audience based on the products you sell.

It is important to narrow your target audience to a specific group of interest.

You can also use paid classifieds to increase your sales.

Once your website is set up and everything is in order, it is your duty to keep on creating posts. To start off, create one promotional image every day for 90 days (90 promotional images).

Share all your ads on social media outlets every day for 90 days. Analyse your market response to determine which ads make more impressions.

You can also post surveys to your audience to find out what they want so you can give it to them!


Instagram is the most popular social media platform where you can post images. You should make it your priority marketing tool in 2018.

You can sign up for instamate https://v2.instamate.com/login.php to help you schedule image and video posts.

It is also critical to treat all your social media platforms as marketing tools to keep on increasing sales and building relationships with your audience.


If you want to learn step-by-step from 6 and 7 figure earning Affiliate Marketers then start here [http://consistent-commission-method.club/blog]

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Shahied_Al-Amin/2583149

Image Source Marvin Meyer on Unsplash

Buy Solo Ads That Work - Guaranteed

Are you in search of an easy and quick way to drive traffic to your offer? Then solo ad is the best answer. They aren't discussed much and do you know why? Few people who use it are hesitant to reveal their secret of effectiveness to their competitors. The best thing about them is that there are no distractions. Your email content simply consists of your ad. This also means you can reach out to a larger audience and utilize that to make your list longer. Here are some ways to advertise your affiliate programs, using solo ads...

1. Buy From a Reputable Vendor
The basis of using solos lies in buying it from a source that is well established and reputable. There are many reliable sources available in the market. However, some people sell them with no list or a list which consists of dead or fake email ids. Remember good solos don't come cheap in case you even think of wasting your money on disreputable vendors.

2. Skim through User Reviews
Like every other thing you plan on buying, you might want to check out reviews of people on any solo ad offer. You can even check forums where the discussion centers around solo ads and think through the vendors you have got in mind. These days there are too many fake reviews too. If the reviews seem completely positive, it means there is something fishy, but if you see positive plus negative reviews, there are chances they may be true.

3. Make a Professional Ad Swipe
Wondering what swipe copy is? It is the email you send to the solo ad vendor who then forwards it to his list. Keep this content precise, short and emphatic. If it is long, the chances are mostly that people won't read it. People won't read it also when it is not interesting. Make it everything that people would love to read it.

4. Beware of too expensive Solo Ad Offers
Solo ads are basically costly. People spend so much money and time to make lists consisting of hundreds of thousands of email ids. They are not willing to sell it out cheap. And if you come across a solo ad that is really cheap, there are a lot of chances that most of the email ids are going to be fake or dead making you waste your money.

5. Don't Forget Your Call-to-Action
When you buy ads, your ad is bound to be seen by many potential buyers which is the reason DO add a good call-to-action in order to elevate your Click Through Rate (CTR). Take the time you need to write an attractive call-to-action as it stands out to be an extremely important part of your ad.

Here is one of the best places to buy legitimate solo ads for your online business [Http://bestsoloads.online]

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Mark_White/2583568

Image Source: https://pixabay.com/photos/illuminated-advertising-street-219129/

08 November 2022

Techniques to Enhance Website Traffic

Five techniques to enhance traffic to your blog website

Blog site websites are recommended methods of advertising your solution or item. Right here are five immediate plans to enhance website traffic to your blog website and start seeing those significant sales.

1. Create a checklist of blog website solutions to ping
There is a great deal of blog website solutions you can sound. It suggests that you signal this solution, that you've updated your blog site. I've made a listing of 50+ blog website solutions you can sound on.

2. Consist of switches to prominent information visitors
Well, there are websites like yahoo or Google or Bloglines and so forth, which have a participants location where you can pick internet sites with RSS feeds to bring one of the most existing updates from numerous blog sites. This way, you can have the latest updates from allowing's claim 50 blog site websites noted on one web page.

3. Update your product regularly
Online search engines and also blog site solutions make regular updates. Therefore, it's most likely that you will undoubtedly obtain targeted web traffic from search engines if you upload regularly. When per day, that suggests you ought to make a brand-new message to your blog site at the very least.

4. Message in online forums
Article something exciting and fresh and place a web link to your blog in your trademark-article in online discussion forums regarding songs and CDs if you're using CDs. By publishing in online media, you will undoubtedly obtain one-way web links, which are superb for online search engine settings in online search engines like Google or MSN, or yahoo.

5. Submit to blog website online search engine
There are masses of search engines used that list just blog sites. These blog website online search engines will certainly help you with targeted traffic.

Comply with these five activities as well as you will undoubtedly start seeing good deals of web traffic to your blog site. And also, the long-awaited sales will indeed begin being readily available. And also, do not fail to remember to upgrade your blog with an extra fresh product that you compose on your own.

Merely Google for "blog website search engines" as well as you require to uncover at the very least 20 of them. These blog website search engines will certainly help you with targeted website traffic.

If you want to know about email marketing go to https://supersuccesscenter.com and sign up for a webinar.


How to tap into the $1 TRILLION eLearning industry and finally build a REAL online business you can be proud of, that's 100% yours The EXACT, 4-step system that's helped 3,000+ entrepreneurs make the lucrative leap from struggling to make money online... to launching 6 and 7 figure businesses that generate sales while they sleep.

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Simon_Edvin_Rasmussen/2975790

Image Source: https://pixabay.com/photos/traffic-highway-lights-night-speed-332857/

Speechelo Review

  If you are seeking an honest review of Speechelo , I am pleased to provide an in-depth analysis of its features and capabilities. Let'...